Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Journey Overview 5/7

In just four hours I start my trip cross country, with DC as the eventual endpoint. This is a trip I planned to do after graduating high school and a few times in college, but for one reason or another it never happened. With my last final just 4 hours behind me and my brother's graduation from Georgetown 10 days away, this seemed like the perfect time to finally make the drive.

I like to think I started my journey over the past week. I did some things that were uniquely LA, like going to the Dodgers game and seeing them pull it out with a game winning hit in the bottom of the 9th with two out; going to a bar Saturday night that was on the top of a building with a vew of all of LA; and of course there was the In-N-Out I had for lunch today. Tomorrow the trip continues to what I have long only known as "the fly over states."

My current count has the trip hitting 15 states, 3 MLB games, 2 memorial museums (OK City and the Civil Rights), 2 museums tracing a man's life and his accomplishments (the C
linton Library and the Colonel's KFC Museum), 1 distillery, 1 graduation, and much more.

I don't know how often I will actually get to update this, but I hope if not daily, at least every other day, so please be sure to check in. I also promise to include photos that will make this first post seem rather dull.

Anyway, I have to get to bed if I hope to be able to make the first stretch of the trip tomorrow. I'll be in my car much of the trip, so feel free to call.

By the way, I filled up today for $3.48/gallon. Let's see how it changes as I get deeper inland.


Angela said...

Don't forget to take pictures of food!!

ben said...

take care of my car!! she may not be much but she's all i've got!

Unknown said...

Sound like a great adventure. Be safe.

Unknown said...

Have fun and drive safe!

Hotsauce said...

Howard: don't listen to Ben... there are some great off-roading trails in Utah that would be perfect for his car...plus, engines these days can go like hundreds of miles without oil so no worries if you rupture the oil - go for it!!!

Unknown said...

Have a great trip!

gail said...

This is your mother speaking! Be safe, Be careful, Don't talk to strangers. Stop every 2 hours to walk around. Call home everyday to let us know that you are safe and sound.

But ENJOY the trip - remember when we went to some of these places when you were 5 years old?