Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Day 1 - 5/8/07 (Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Zion National Park)
Today will probably be the most eventful day of the trip, despite the lack of activity. I got a pretty early start leaving LA on my way to Vegas. Except for some minor traffic at the beginning it was a pretty good drive. I don't think I've driven to Vegas in daylight since high school. I don't think I remembered how great the mountains were on they way.

Once I got to Vegas, I went to visit Libby, Rick, and Noa for lunch. That was a lot of fun, as I have not seen Noa since November and she is now 1. They just got back from Italy, so they were a little tired, but we had fun playing.

It is at this point my trip began to turn around. Perhaps I should have listened closer to Busting Vegas (the story of MIT students who learned to beat blackjack), which I was listening on my way to Vegas. I was in Vegas...I had to play a hand or two. Apparently you really do need to be a math genius to beat blackjack, because it took me all of ten minutes to lose $100. At least I got my players card checked...

As I left the casino I noticed some green liquid dripping from my car (FYI...if you didn't know my friend Ben is moving to Atlanta and I am driving his car there). I tried to think that it wasn't a big deal, but once the engine light came on when I got on the freeway, I quickly pulled off and got to a mechanic. Perhaps my luck had returned, somewhat, because the car literally died on me as I pulled into the driveway...allowing me to coast the final few feet.

It turned out to be a busted coolant reservoir, which they originally said would take a day to fix, but after some pleading they managed to fix it. I had lost 4 hours sitting in the garage, but at least I was back on the road again. I managed to get to Zion National Park just as the last light disappeared. The mountains in the eastern part of Nevada and beginning of Utah were amazing. I took these pics as I was driving. They really don't do it justice.
I had hoped to get here early enough to do some hiking and perhaps find a place to camp out, but the 4 hour delay squashed those ideas, so I found a motel outside the park and that is where I now am. The car trouble definitely threw a scare in me. I mean, it's only the first day! I think things will run more smoothly now, and in the end, I made it to my destination. Tomorrow I'm off to Moab, Utah for some mountain biking!

Fast Facts:

Today's Mileage: 468
Total Trip Mileage: 468

Today's Gas Prices: $4.54 on the way to Vegas (I only got enough gallons here to make it the rest of the way) and $3.05 in Vegas


clare said...

I think that the DMV has a rule against taking pictures and driving at the same time. The pictures are gorgeous though and are making me jealous that you are seeing the world while I am sitting at my desk. I can't wait to see what Moab has to offer....

ben said...

you and my car are going to be fast friends. it likes to give a little trouble to new drivers. kind of an initiation type of thing.

you should both be ok the rest of the way, i'm pretty sure ... but let's keep our fingers crossed just in case, i guess.